Strong in making your brand stand out!

New AmbitionsNewArmstrong

New Ambitions NewArmstrong

Retail is cutting edge. Only the best ideas provide stopping power and head turners. The commercial case must be well processed: routing, SKUs and touch points must be correct so that the store generates the highest turnover. Retail spaces must be able to withstand the intensive use that retail entails. The preparation must be so good that they open on time. NewArmstrong understands the demands of retail, retail design and store building.

We ensure that we can quickly reach a decision with fast design sprints and virtual presentations (VR). With thorough preparation (our engineering ) we ensure that risks in development, construction and permits are under control. Our project managers understand that the store must open on time, and that communication and reporting must be good, fast and clear.




in delivering
the right sound.

in delivering
colorful results.

Our services to makeyour business a success

Virtual model retail design


Our designers are specialists in retail: full of new ideas and exploring new worlds.

engineering BIM model


Our engineering is aimed at understanding and elaborating a plan in such a way that we exclude the risks in advance and that failure costs are reduced.

projectmanagement homepage

Project management

Our project managers are experienced in preparation and implementation: they ensure that the store opens on time. All the time.

“That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind”

Neil Armstrong.

nwearmstrong logo op zwart

we build good luck for

Want your Business to Take Off?Feel free to contact us.

Justus Slaakweg
Leidsevaartweg 1
2106 NA Heemstede
+31 88 007 2600

Justus bw

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