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Contact Gegevens

NewArmstrong B.V.
Leidsevaartweg 1, 2106NA Heemstede
+31 88 007 2600

Registernummer 4.040615.001
Registernummer 1.950828.011
Registernummer 1.030515.015
Registernummer 4.110815.003

KvK Amsterdam

NewArmstrong B.V. : 66153026
NewArmstrong Turn Key B.V. : 67463177

Invoice / Tax information
NewArmstrong B.V.
Tax-number NL856417683B01
IBAN NL28 RABO 0310 3847 10

NewArmstrong Turn Key B.V.
Tax-number NL857006460B01
IBAN NL06 RABO 0314 7660 14

Want your business to take-off?Feel free to contact us.

Justus Slaakweg
Leidsevaartweg 1
2106 NA Heemstede
+31 (0)6 22 83 53 30

Justus bw

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